New Delhi: Telecom Department on Friday launched Sanchar Saathi mobile app that aims to make it easier to report any suspected fraud communications by allowing public to flag such incidents directly from their mobile phone call logs.
Announcing this, telecom Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia also launched two other initiatives of DoT — Vision for National Broadband Mission 2.0, and Intra circle roaming at ‘Digital Bharat Nidhi’ funded 4G mobile sites.
DoT’s Sanchar Saathi portal launched in 2023 has been an effective mechanism in the crackdown against fraud calls and the new app will double down on these efforts by ensuring a secure environment for subscribers.
Unveiling the initiatives, Scindia said that the Sanchar Saathi initiative provides “a safe and secure environment where privacy and security of each customer are safeguarded”. (PTI)