New Delhi :Ghulam Nabi Azad, Leader of Opposition, Rajya Sabha expressed his heartfelt condolences on the passing away of senior leader Rasheed Masood."I am deeply saddened by the sad demise of veteran Parliamentarian and my personal family friend Rasheed Masood. A very popular leader from Saharanpur, UP, Shri Masood was a lawyer by qualification and he devoted his whole life championing the cause of minorities and downtrodden in general and farmers in particular. A former Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, he was 5-time Lok Sabha member from Saharanpur and was also Rajya Sabha member for one tenure. His demise is a not only a great loss for people of UP, especially farmers, but also a big personal loss for me" said Azad.
Azad expressed his deepest sympathies to his family and prayed to Almighty to give strength and courage to his family in this sad moment and also prayed that his departed soul may rest in peace.